Hello Everyone!

Hi everyone, my name is Ari and I moved here from SoCal about a year and I just started to get my little 14g Biocube back up and running.

I live in Westminster right off Church Ranch and 36 and work in Boulder so I am excited to see what's around here. I just visited Elite Reef last night to buy all of the tidbits I seemed to have lost in the move and was impressed and happy to see a nice LFS right by my house.

I will probably be posting a WTB for some LR as I need to get a cycle going so I can get back into to swing of things.

Glad to have found MASC and looking forward to meeting some of you!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Hello Everyone!

Hello and Welcome!!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab2 10.1


Butterfly Fish
Welcome, not too far from you. This is a great group full of some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.
Welcome to the addiction....lol


M.A.S.C Club Member
hello, we are not to far from you. we are off 136th and sheridan in broomfield. fell free to contact us and stop by to see our inventory or even check out our site mindblowingcorals.com. if you have any questions or need help with anything we are welcome to help. Colin and Allyson
Thanks everyone, for the welcome. Once I get rocking and rolling I will be sure to post some pics of my tank. The last time I setup my 14g I was really happy with it, hopefully with what I have learned since then I can have a setup that I am proud to showoff!