Hello from the newbie!!

Hello out there! My name is Brett and I'm completely new to the forum word, and the marine word also! I'm sure I will have a ton of lame questions for you guys, so please don't be too rough with me.


M.A.S.C Club Member
No question is dumb. It's dumb if you don't ask questions. There's a lot of people on here that are extremely knowledgeable and Probly close to you that can lend a hand.

So first off welcome and PICS!! And tell us what you have.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome. This crowd loves pics and system specs. Lol


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Thank you all for the welcom! I recently bought a 40g established tank with two black clowns, a yellow tang and a lunar wrasse(?) got rid of the wrasse because it was tearing the fins off the tang. So down to the three fish and about 6 hermit crabs. No picks yet! They will be coming soon tho. I have plans to move into a custom 55g but having a hard time fuguring filtration due to super limited space in cabinet, and even more limited funds. Filter now is a crap-scade 500. It hardly works. Water is always cloudy. Even with water changes, filter clean outs and media renewals. Not sure if that's because the clowns have and constantly dig to the bottom of the tank and stir the sand up or not.. But I got the tank as is before my job situation went south.. So now trying to DIY everything. I have a large planted freshwater and decided to step into the real world of aquatic bliss:)