

Turbo Snail
Hi, my name is Justin. My family and I just fired up a 75 gallon Nov 3rd 2012. I grew up with freshwater tanks then moved to cichlids. Been out of the game for 7 years or so. Dug the 75 out of the basement and I planned the tank all wrong. I built it with no sump or skimmer. Cycled it and filled it with 65lbs of live rock and 40lbs of fine white sand. We added fish slowly and then almost all died off. Our hippo tang lived and we have some zoas, shrooms, gsp and a nice 6 head frogspawn.

Reading this site the past month or so (got a card at reef stock), I decided to get a skimmer. Nitrates were 160ppm and I had a 7 year old test kit. It's down to 40ppm now. Got a Reef Octopus BH-2000 and its helped a ton.

Plans include better led lights, a sump and moving the equip into the sump, maybe a refugium. I know Ghosty on this site, been friends with him a long time. Thanks for the knowledge and I hope to learn lots more.


Turbo Snail
My old test kit was reading 20ppm, but it was 7 years old. I feel so bad about the fish I lost (fat mandarin that ate frozen food every day, 2 banggai cards, royal gramma, 2 percs...and we had a diamond watchmen that jumped to his death). Things are looking up now, going to get a sump going as we currently have 2 AC filters (live rock inside @ 300gph each, the skimmer is 500gph and I threw in an old, big powerhead that is 300gph). The led light we got is junk in my opinion. It is a Aqueon modular 48". Only white with 4 moon lights, one switch. The white LEDs are only 4800k I think and I have 2 strips with 29 LEDs each.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Hello

If you're in the market for LED lighting, there's various options; we're lucky to have ReefKoi and his EVO lights so close, Ambrosio (sp?) is selling some as well, eBay is always selling stuff just so your research before buying, and there's the big brands (AquaIllumination, EcoTech, Kessil, AquaMedic, and I'm sure I'm missing about 30 more), and you can DIY.

If you prefer the ole "tried and true," there's various members selling T5 and MH fixtures.


Butterfly Fish
Welcome, glad to have you here with us!


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Hello

mathewkofalk;237169 said:
I know test kits can go bad but how long are they good for.
They usually have an expiration date on the box. If you don't have the box, well I assume 2 years since manufacture date. That is usually on the bottles. Maybe we can help if you have a lot number.