
Hello my name is Lan. I am a molecular biologist, an ecologist, and a marine biologist. I currently have a 150gallon reef system, a 150gallon freshwater Aggressive South American tank, a 135 gallon breeder system, and a 150gallon saltwater tank dedicated to research and development of marine aquaculture. My research is funded by the University of Colorado, Boulder. I also work as a manager at a LFS.

I love the chemistry involved with salt water aquariums and using this knowledge I have achieved a "zero-water-change" balanced reef system. I one day hope to develop methods for producing aqua-cultured marine species. I would also like to one day own a personal deep sea submarine. If I ever discover a new species of surgeonfish it will be named the Pootie Tang.

I am looking forward to learning all I can from this forum and having such a great resource for information, supplies, networking, and getting to know other fish geeks.



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:welcome: would be very interested to hear how the zero water change system works... and PICS!!! :)


M.A.S.C Club Member

You might be an engineer if...You have no life, and you can PROVE it mathematically.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member

Glad you joined us, sounds like you can bring some great insight and knowledge to the group.

Also which store do you manage?