Chuzzler;260072 said:
I have a new 120g reef, 4x2x2. Currently housing a pair of B&W clowns, yellow watchman goby paired with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp, and a Kleini Butterfly.
Here are some wish list fish:
- Yellow Tang
- Blue Hippo Tang
- Naso Tang
- Some type of Angel (unsure what I really want)
- Melanarus or Leopard Wrasse
- SAnd sifting goby (twin spot or dragon)
- Small group of Anthias (3)
- Small group of something else (chromis, Stripeys, cardinals...)
- Foxface
Thoughts on compatibility? Order to introduce? Amount of fish? Give me your lists and how you would introduce. I am wanting at least small school (3-5) as part of the group.
- Yellow Tang - you could have 1 or 2 of these in your 120 but in 3-5 years they might outgrow the tank.
- Blue Hippo Tang - bully fish and if you want to get rid of it you would probably have to take apart your tank to get it out.
- Naso Tang - can get big wouldnt suggest it.
- Some type of Angel (unsure what I really want) - dwarf angels would be ok ie: Flame angel, Coral Beauty, Rusty angel, Potters angel these can have a possibility of nipping coral
- Melanarus or Leopard Wrasse - +1 for adding both. make sure you give adequate sand bed for them to sleep in. and the melanarus has a good chance of eating hermits and snails
- SAnd sifting goby (twin spot or dragon) - might fight with your watchman
- Small group of Anthias (3) - can be difficult to keep but I don't have much experience with anthias.
- Small group of something else (chromis, Stripeys, cardinals...) - Get some red chromis or purple chromis
- Foxface - can eat coral -1
My suggestion would be wrasses. Most of them are very hearty. They can handle other fish picking on them. and there are a lot of very pretty wrasses
-potters wrasse
-leopard wrasses
-yellow coris wrasse
-rhomboid wrasse
-lineatus wrasse
-flame wrasse
-any fairy wrasse
-any flasher wrasse
- Wrasses from the Halichoeres genus (all of these can eat your hermits and snails)
Tangs: limit it to 2-3 on the possible list below. Tangs are ick magnets as well. I would agree with cindy that a 6ft tank would be better but you can have tangs in a 120g.
-Yellow tang
-small sailfin (buy size 1.5 - 2 in)
-purple tang (can be mean)
-kole tang
-scopas tang (poor man's black tang
-Tomini Tang
-blue caribbean tang
-bristle tooth tang
Instead of the sand sifting gobies try something like a jaw fish
-yellow head jawfish
-blue spot jawfish
Chromis do a school of 5, 7, 9, or 11
Also, a fish type to consider is dartfish. You have to cover the top of your tank with a mesh top but there are some cool dartfish.
-fire fish
-scissortail dartfish
-barred dartfish
Other fish:
-Dragonettes once your tank has been set up for a while ie: scooter blennies, mandarin gobies
TLDR: Do wrasses