Help me with a stock list


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a new 120g reef, 4x2x2. Currently housing a pair of B&W clowns, yellow watchman goby paired with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp, and a Kleini Butterfly.
Here are some wish list fish:
  • Yellow Tang
  • Blue Hippo Tang
  • Naso Tang
  • Some type of Angel (unsure what I really want)
  • Melanarus or Leopard Wrasse
  • SAnd sifting goby (twin spot or dragon)
  • Small group of Anthias (3)
  • Small group of something else (chromis, Stripeys, cardinals...)
  • Foxface

Thoughts on compatibility? Order to introduce? Amount of fish? Give me your lists and how you would introduce. I am wanting at least small school (3-5) as part of the group.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Chuzzler;260072 said:
I have a new 120g reef, 4x2x2. Currently housing a pair of B&W clowns, yellow watchman goby paired with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp, and a Kleini Butterfly.
Here are some wish list fish:
  • Yellow Tang
  • Blue Hippo Tang
  • Naso Tang
  • Some type of Angel (unsure what I really want)
  • Melanarus or Leopard Wrasse
  • SAnd sifting goby (twin spot or dragon)
  • Small group of Anthias (3)
  • Small group of something else (chromis, Stripeys, cardinals...)
  • Foxface

Thoughts on compatibility? Order to introduce? Amount of fish? Give me your lists and how you would introduce. I am wanting at least small school (3-5) as part of the group.
Naso and blue tang are out. Dwarf angel will be ok if you go FOWLR. Wouldn't recommend anthais either. School of chromis would work. Try looking at for sizes on the fish you want.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Chuzzler;260072 said:
I have a new 120g reef, 4x2x2. Currently housing a pair of B&W clowns, yellow watchman goby paired with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp, and a Kleini Butterfly.
Here are some wish list fish:
  • Yellow Tang
  • Blue Hippo Tang
  • Naso Tang
  • Some type of Angel (unsure what I really want)
  • Melanarus or Leopard Wrasse
  • SAnd sifting goby (twin spot or dragon)
  • Small group of Anthias (3)
  • Small group of something else (chromis, Stripeys, cardinals...)
  • Foxface

Thoughts on compatibility? Order to introduce? Amount of fish? Give me your lists and how you would introduce. I am wanting at least small school (3-5) as part of the group.
yellow hippo and naso unfortunately are out, i agree with Kio. Maybe 1 yellow if you really wanted it. Angel you could do a small/dwarf, foxface and gobys are always good. I would do a melanarus over a leopard, but thats just me and in a 120 you could do a 6-10 chromi or pajama cardinal school. you could always do a pair of banggais instead, and the foxface i would definitely add for color and action if you dont get the yellow tang


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
+1 on the above.
Tangs are out because they need 6' tanks for swimming or it stresses them, which causes ich and generally poor health.
I'd also take a look at tiger gobies. I love mine, and they're great sand-sifters. Also very hardy.
If you get wrasses, just know that they'll eat shrimp and inverts. That means you'll want a cleaner wrasse instead of a cleaner shrimp, and an aptasia eating fish instead of peppermint shrimp (or keep the aptasia x handy).
You don't mention whether or not you want corals or if it'll be a FOWLR. If you want corals, I'd avoid angels. Yes, I know some folks have gotten lucky and found dwarf angels that don't eat their corals, but I feed twice a day and still have terrible luck in that area. If it's a FOWLR, I'd snap up a coral beauty dwarf angel in a heartbeat. They're gorgeous and have lots of character.
Banggai cardinals in a small group look fantastic (even a single looks good). Chromis are also a great choice, but I'd get more than 3. Plum is right- 6-10 is better. Which actually means get 15 or so, and you should have 6-10 left over once they're settled in.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I think that a yellow tang can probably live for years and years in a 120G tank. A properly fed hippo will outgrow that tank in less than a year. The naso will outgrow it too pretty quickly. Depending on the bristletooth, most can live their whole life in a 120G tank.

Dwarf and Large angels are mostly a crap shoot. Check out the Genicanthus angels for true reef-safe options. That being said, I have had good luck with Flames and most Pomacanthus as long as they are well fed (like enough to grow like they might in the wild).

Here is my take on a rent-a-fish. Are you willing to give away a possibly several-hundred-dollar fish FOR FREE for the benefit of the animal once it gets too large? If yes, then rent-a-fish might be OK. If not, then you are not suitable as a foster parent. What I am talking about here is no regard for any "investment" (I hate this term with a hobby) that you have with only regard for the fish.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have no desire for a rent a fish. The purpose of my question was to get ideas for the best possible display of fish for the space I have. My list was only intended to show some of my favorites, not saying I planned on putting them in if they don't make sense. I want happy healthy fish for years to come, and beautiful corals to grow and fill in the tank.
Thank you all so far for the advice. Keep the lists and suggestions coming.


M.A.S.C Club Member
120G tangs: most bristletooths, chocolate tang and purple tang. ...maybe a yellow.

Foxface is a rent-a-fish in a 120.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Chuzzler;260072 said:
I have a new 120g reef, 4x2x2. Currently housing a pair of B&W clowns, yellow watchman goby paired with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp, and a Kleini Butterfly.
Here are some wish list fish:
  • Yellow Tang
  • Blue Hippo Tang
  • Naso Tang
  • Some type of Angel (unsure what I really want)
  • Melanarus or Leopard Wrasse
  • SAnd sifting goby (twin spot or dragon)
  • Small group of Anthias (3)
  • Small group of something else (chromis, Stripeys, cardinals...)
  • Foxface

Thoughts on compatibility? Order to introduce? Amount of fish? Give me your lists and how you would introduce. I am wanting at least small school (3-5) as part of the group.

  • Yellow Tang - you could have 1 or 2 of these in your 120 but in 3-5 years they might outgrow the tank.
  • Blue Hippo Tang - bully fish and if you want to get rid of it you would probably have to take apart your tank to get it out.
  • Naso Tang - can get big wouldnt suggest it.
  • Some type of Angel (unsure what I really want) - dwarf angels would be ok ie: Flame angel, Coral Beauty, Rusty angel, Potters angel these can have a possibility of nipping coral
  • Melanarus or Leopard Wrasse - +1 for adding both. make sure you give adequate sand bed for them to sleep in. and the melanarus has a good chance of eating hermits and snails
  • SAnd sifting goby (twin spot or dragon) - might fight with your watchman
  • Small group of Anthias (3) - can be difficult to keep but I don't have much experience with anthias.
  • Small group of something else (chromis, Stripeys, cardinals...) - Get some red chromis or purple chromis
  • Foxface - can eat coral -1

My suggestion would be wrasses. Most of them are very hearty. They can handle other fish picking on them. and there are a lot of very pretty wrasses
-potters wrasse
-leopard wrasses
-yellow coris wrasse
-rhomboid wrasse
-lineatus wrasse
-flame wrasse
-any fairy wrasse
-any flasher wrasse
- Wrasses from the Halichoeres genus (all of these can eat your hermits and snails)

Tangs: limit it to 2-3 on the possible list below. Tangs are ick magnets as well. I would agree with cindy that a 6ft tank would be better but you can have tangs in a 120g.

-Yellow tang
-small sailfin (buy size 1.5 - 2 in)
-purple tang (can be mean)
-kole tang
-scopas tang (poor man's black tang :p)
-Tomini Tang
-blue caribbean tang
-bristle tooth tang

Instead of the sand sifting gobies try something like a jaw fish
-yellow head jawfish
-blue spot jawfish

Chromis do a school of 5, 7, 9, or 11

Also, a fish type to consider is dartfish. You have to cover the top of your tank with a mesh top but there are some cool dartfish.
-fire fish
-scissortail dartfish
-barred dartfish

Other fish:
-Dragonettes once your tank has been set up for a while ie: scooter blennies, mandarin gobies

TLDR: Do wrasses :p


Angel Fish
Have you seen threadfin/blue eye cardinals? Love my little shoal. And +1 with Seth. Wrasses are awesome fish very active and intelligent if you can live without shrimp and feather dusters.