Help! Need ideas.Tank clouded up in two days...

Mermaid Gardens

M.A.S.C Club Member
Been using Instant Ocean Purple lid. Just bought a bucket of the orange lid Instant Ocean Reef enhanced salt tonight.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
It may be the fuel taking a bit to get out of your system. I was/am using fuel(only thing I dosed to my tank) and when I was doing 1/2 the recommended amount, after about 2 months I got a huge outbreak of nuisance algae and cyano. My tank did not cloud like yours tho. For the time being I have stopped dosing fuel and have been fighting to get all this stuff out of my tank. I would say stop the fuel completely and keep up with the carbon for a couple months. I'm guessing fuel just has too much good stuff in it that gives negative bacterias a jump start. My only other guess would be that your algae went sexual(if the tank looks kinda green) like someone else said.

Mermaid Gardens

M.A.S.C Club Member
Just got off the phone with Patrick at Neptune. He examined my blue that was the last to die. Gills looked good. All its internal organs were black and mush. He thinks some kind of a toxin. It seemed to immediately get better when doubled the carbon . Going to check my heater and pumps make sure none leaked anything. Going to change the carbon again and let it run without gfo for a while and see if anything else dies over the next couple days.


M.A.S.C Club Member
The fish almost certianly died of oxygen starvation. Something is fueling a bacterial or algal bloom. Usual suspects are biopellets, vodka, sugar, vinegar or other bottled "miracle cures" from TLF, Seachem, Kent or the like.

I would run granular carbon for the next month or two until you figure it out.