Hey all


Angel Fish
Hey guy,
First time checking into this club in years, just a kid those few meetings i attended around 10 years ago, suppose i should introduce myself. Im Vance, Been keeping saltwater for over 10 years now, current tank is a 90 gallon "tall" cube i guess, mixed lps with sofies.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Hey all

Welcome back, looking forward to meeting you.
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Angel Fish
Thanks everybody,
Sorry if the pictures are poor quality they're from a cell phone, tank is a Glass Cages 25x25x33 front pane starfire, The whole idea of the tank was to use as little floor-space as possible and make it easy to move, being in school housing is always a "where too next" kinda thing. Hated the overflow so i knocked it out still don't know how to hide the standpipe, but the tank is drilled into the sump and skimmer, and the return line i've built out of PVC with holes drilled into it as the stand for the rock. Really love it the only sand being a fine layer, all detritus is pushed up and removed. Five gallon refugium in the back. Tank originally was sps before it crashed in April of 2011 so lighting is 250w MH and T5, switching out back to the 20 look here soon 14 is just too yellow, bulbs on order, been overdue for years past the two year mark. Since the crash i havent had the time or resources to fill it back up so stuck with the two fish and let the corals that survived fill in.
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Angel Fish
Figured i would do an update seeing as how the amazing folks here took my "fish eating" nem and other fish and allowed me to get the fish stocking up to par. Couple orange rics and beautiful favia's added thanks to gonzo, pair of regular ol' firefish and an awesome shoal of blue-eye cardinals (thank you Mike from aquamart for dealing with my neediness with these, you guys ROCK!). I really need a better camera other than my phone...


Angel Fish
Thanks jahmic =], not as nice as most of yawls on here, but it's my baby.

There's 4 T5s on there (25w) one figi purple to make the reds pop, love that bulb. And three blue plus to still get the actinic with some good par. With the tank as deep as it is I needed as much par as I could get, have the fixture 18 inches from the surface and it still burns the lps on the top, sps worked much better birdsnests and such did great at the bottom, may be time to switch back the crash really scared me away from em though.


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Hey all

That tank isn't nearly long enough for a tang! You need to read the post entitled "research your intended fish purchases" you are terrorizing that poor yellow tang! You may also refer to "socialist fish keepers of America"

All of us here at reef cen... Oops wrong forum.

Just kidding!!! Nice looking tank. Welcome back. Thanks for the pix.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Hey all

michael.lemke;229289 said:
That tank isn't nearly long enough for a tang! You need to read the post entitled "research your intended fish purchases" you are terrorizing that poor yellow tang! You may also refer to "socialist fish keepers of America"

All of us here at reef cen... Oops wrong forum.

How many blue eyes do you have? I like the way they school


Angel Fish
That tank isn't nearly long enough for a tang! You need to read the post entitled "research your intended fish purchases" you are terrorizing that poor yellow tang! You may also refer to "socialist fish keepers of America"

All of us here at reef cen... Oops wrong forum.
Ahhahahaha! Aww but he was so cute when he was only two inches in the petco tank ;). Oh spontaneous purchases... that's how i acquired that damn nem as well. When life throws you curves you do what you gotta do to stay in the hobby though...

How many blue eyes do you have? I like the way they school
Theres 12 for now, maybe more later but we will see after a few years. I really like them as well, have had anthias in the past and the group cohabitates fine but nothing compared to the shoaling of these guys, they never leave eachother, well other than the few that have started their temporary pairings and leave the group to court :).

Will post a few more pics after my new bulbs get here and i can put the UV shield back on the MH, to embarrassed to post pictures of anything other than the lower half of the tank with the way the corals on the top are getting burned :p