hi all new to the group!!


Cleaner Shrimp
hi all i was a member for years but got out for a few years and old account is turned off i guess. my name is robert and i use to own aquatic treasures here in cheyenne closed it down a few years ago and got out all together but i miss the fish and corals so i am back lol tanks include 2 55 gal one salt one fresh a new 125 reef still setting up and a 300 gal fresh water a 150 gal clarity plus unit saltwater used for housing new fish and a 700 gal saltwater tank that i am taking down too big lol looking forward to meeting everyone and growing some new corals ill try to get some pics up soon thanks!!!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome to the group. Were you at the meeting on Saturday in Loveland?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think you bought my sump. Glad to see it went to a good home. Can't wait for some pics of your various tanks.


Cleaner Shrimp
yea that was me got it set up now waiting for tank to cear to add rock put 8 30 lbs bags of reef sand and went to animal attractions and bought 4 AI led set ups for that tank put 1 bag sand and 3 5 lbs bottles of mirical mud in the refugium cant wait till its cycled still looking at skimmers thinking about super reef octopuss i have an AGS 6 for my 700 but it is way too big its rated for over 1000 gal and will not fit in sump lol its like 4 feet tall with 3 pumps thanks for the refugium i put a small CPR hang on refugium on that tank also just because i had it


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome back, can't wait to see some pics!! perhaps you should shut down all the other tanks and just run a 700 gallon reef!!!!
the 700 was a reef but it cost way too much to keep it lit up thats why i switched to the led's plus i am not a big fan of acrylic scratches way to easy