How do you get PAR readings?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
PAR meter...short explanation is that it's basically a light sensor that measures the photosynthetic light put out by a source. There are a few brands (like Apogee) that make the sensor as well as the display to give you your results. Other people use the sensor in conjunction with a multimeter to get the same results (after a little simple math).

MASC has one available for rent, details are in this thread:


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: How do you get PAR readings?

The board has one but they aren't lending it out any time soon

Sent from Earth


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
How do you get PAR readings?

deboy69;218527 said:
The board has one but they aren't lending it out any time soon

Sent from Earth
The club did buy one but we need to get all the paperwork drawn up and lined out it will be sometime soon

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
deboy69;218527 said:
The board has one but they aren't lending it out any time soon
Always love the support !!!!! Yes MASC has purchased a par meter and the borrow program details will start and be announced at the February meeting.



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: How do you get PAR readings?

CRW Reef;218534 said:
Always love the support !!!!! Yes MASC has purchased a par meter and the borrow program details will start and be announced at the February meeting.

Was that sacasim from the vice president of MASC?

Sent from Earth


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: How do you get PAR readings?

Haha that would be nice. Per the meeting minutes its going to be a full price (somewhere around 200 give or take depending on which one it is and how much it cost ) of the par meter for a deposit and 5 dollars to rent it for 3 days

Sent from Earth

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
The par meter will be available to check out. Short and simple version of details is the following but there will certainly be more details when the program is announced/released.

- There will be a par meter sub-thread
- sticky that will stay locked by the board which will have an ongoing list of whom has the par meter (peer accountability)
- 2nd sticky ongoing list of requests to be added to waiting list
- par meter will be checked out and in to a board member each time (ensures damage control and liability for possession)
- there will be a deposit for full replacement required every time the par meter is checked out from a BOD member
- there will be $5 per 3 day rental fee - which means you have it 6 days = $10 ( funds will be used to purchase additional equipment such as additional par meter, higher grade testing equip, things that average reefer won't spend money on)
- full deposit returned up return of meter and everything checks out
- next person on the list is up for check out
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