how to get rid of bubble algae?


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have found like 6 bubbles how to get rid of this nasty algae



Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
The best way in my opinion is to get some emerald crabs, they will eat it along with other nuisance algae that other clean up crew members won't touch.

The only other way is manual removal. Make sure you have a small siphon pointed at the point of removal because it reproduces by sending out spores that will attach elsewhere and pop up another colony in a week or so.

The ultimate way to control any pest algae is to be in control of your nutrients. A good combination of export systems (macro algae, skimmer, GFO, biopellets, deep sand bed, carbon dosing) should out compete any nuisance algae in your display.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
ok thanks everyone


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
SteveT said:
The ultimate way to control any pest algae is to be in control of your nutrients. A good combination of export systems (macro algae, skimmer, GFO, biopellets, deep sand bed, carbon dosing) should out compete any nuisance algae in your display.
+1, I've been having success with red sea no3 no4 x with lowering nutrients. I feed heavy because I like fat fish and my po4 went from .25 ppm+ to .02ppm

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
dvenson;176061 said:
If it was a small one it could work but you would want to consider it temporary because he will out grow that tank.
Really, I have a powder blue and a yellow tang in a 72 gal now for 5+ yrs. I know some day I'll have to catch the powder blue and give him to a bigger home, but I don't consider over 5 yrs temporary. Not looking to start a debate but in all honesty he could put 3 tangs easily in a 90 gal..... although I can tell you my two tangs don't touch bubble algae.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Naso's get much bigger than yellows and powder blues.


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