Howdy Yall

Howdy yall,
My names Clint, Im the brother of one of your newer members ProfKhaos23. Ive been giving him guidance on his first reef, here's his build thread. Hes in Westminster, I live near Houston/Galveston in Texas. Im always pushing him to be active in MASC, I know my tanks wouldnt be what they are with out my local club MARSH. Since i have been reading yalls forums and discussing things with him, i figured i should do a formal introduction. 99% sure i wont be at any of the meeting LOL Although my wife and I were in town for ReefStock, which was amazing BTW. A little bit about me, Married for 9 years. Ive have kept just about every kind of tank you can imagine over the last 13 years including, FW plants, cichlids, brackish, FOWLR, reef. For a few years i managed the fish portion of a local pet shop, we specialized in exotic cichlids and reef setups. I eventually decided to go back to school and in May 2012 received my B.S in Marine Biology from Texas A&M. I currently have 2 reef setups, a 90 and a 125.

Heres a picture of my mixed reef 90:
View attachment 12953

My 125 is more of a project tank. It has BTA's, gorgonians, mangroves, etc. The macro algae that are growing include, sargassum, C. prolifera, halimeda, C. barbata, mermaids fans and brushes. The right side has a BlueGlow frag rack (i need to update the photos of it before i post them). This tank has a 55 gallon as refugium under it:
View attachment 12962

Equipment includes: SRO skimmers, refugiums, ATO, apex, dosing pumps, GFO/carbon reactors, (3) 150 watt MH, 24" aquactinics T5, 15" reefbrite xho LEDs, and reefbrite minimag moonlights.

I look forward to getting to know yall on this board, Im sure my brother will know yall better though.

(Neopterygii means "new fins" BTW)


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome and hello. You never know, we may have a meeting someday when you happen to be in town. I know I've been to more than one fish store or fish related thing while on vacation.
reeferpueblo;238849 said:
welcome awesome tanks dude
CRW Reef;238866 said:

And sweeeeet tank, nice job!!!!!
Thanks for the comments, always good to hear.

JNG;238876 said:
Welcome and hello. You never know, we may have a meeting someday when you happen to be in town. I know I've been to more than one fish store or fish related thing while on vacation.
Thats true, We did attend the last day of ReefStock, not to mention we visited a half dozen stores. I dont remember there names though. I bet Dustin can post the places he took us to. I was extremly impressed with your fish stores. My local shops pale in comparison.

H2O_intolerant;238880 said:
Welcome. What do you do with the degree?
To be honest, im currently looking for a job. I live near the school but ive been applying to other states. The primary response i get from employers is that there looking to hire locally which is making it difficult to even get interviews.
My wife snapped a few pictures of our newest pieces. Figured id post some.



acan bowerbanki:

This order came from Austin Aqua Farms, if anyone's curious.


M.A.S.C Club Member
JNG;238876 said:
Welcome and hello. You never know, we may have a meeting someday when you happen to be in town. I know I've been to more than one fish store or fish related thing while on vacation.
i took them by elite reef, Neptunes aquatics, aquatic arts, southbroadway tropicals, Todds tropical fish aquamart and fish palace i think.
My wife and i decided to add more mangroves to the 3 we currently had. I would love some constructive criticism since this isnt a traditional setup.