I am just getting into housing coral in my 72 gal bow front.

I am low on lighting. I only have 1) 48"actinic blue t5 and 2) 36" t5's I am really wanting to upgrade to just use LED's in my tank. What size and how cheap can I get one? Will I still need my T5's with it?


M.A.S.C Club Member
no that wouldn't be enough light even with your t5's i don't think it would be enough for most corals....you might look at reefkoi's evolution leds even then you are looking at about probably $600 ...and of course there are also "better" options for leds out there....but you need to plan on buying some lights for corals because if your saying you have 1 -48" and 2-36" bulbs thats not enough either....there are some other options for used t5 and halide lights in the for sale section here you might look into but you have to factor in the cost of replacing bulbs and electricity usage ....in the long run leds are the least expensive option


Butterfly Fish
Just ordered 6 36w led strips for my 72. Should be here in a few weeks. Was looking for LEDs for a long time.

You can get 2 of the evo 100w units for 600. You can order 2 of the Chinese 120w rip offs. You can find them for around 200ea. I dont like the boxed LEDs because they are too blue. I like 3:2 ratio.

But you want to be around 200 wats of LEDs.