I need help With my maxima clam


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
That does not appear to be a maxima. It is probably either a corcea or a dersa. It is impossible to tell which of the two it is from the picture. Stop moving it, and please don't shade a clam, in the wild they are some of the most shallow water things we keep in the hobby and they get 99% of what they need from light. And then before moving it again do some solid research on ALL types of clams, not just youtube videos, but many many articles. Changing your water parameters and lighting all over the place will not help. Just going to stress the rest of your tank.
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M.A.S.C Club Member
Okay i am just adding a media bah to help bring down the phosphates..i will be at the meeting today so i will take a picture and maybe someone can help me determine what kind and what to do with it...anything would be helpful i would at to lose it they are amazing...