I need LED lightning and could trade you Sun Burst Nem


M.A.S.C Club Member
Additional photos.

They do not have yellow tips, so I am not sure that they are sunbursts, thought that is what I was told when I bought the first one before it split.
I have PM'd or texted a few of you that seemed interested with this same update and more photos. I will also drop in a please ID post as I am not sure the type of Nems these are.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hi there-

I bought my nems about 3 years ago under the assumption that they were sunbursts. I've been told by multiple people, and I now believe that they are rainbows. I am extremely sorry for misrepresenting what I was selling to you. If you would like I would be willing to refund you your money or give you some frags or equipment to try to make it right. It was not my intention to take advantage of you in any way; I simply did not not know that they were rainbows and not sunbursts. Again I appoligize for this.

Side note: nice job getting these guys to split. They have always done really well under T5s if that's what you're using.

Feel free to reach out to me at 720-745-3408.


M.A.S.C Club Member

Thanks for letting me know I understand that you were not aware of what they are. Thanks for the offer to do something to make it right, I am good.
Out of curiosity did you ever sell the RedSea Max with the LED retrofit? I know we exchanged some ideas on it a few months back.

