ich and velvet what should I do

High Plains Reefer

Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I lost my queen angel the other night and it got me looking closely at the other fish and I have velvet for sure and possibly ich at the same time. Its a 180 with 300 lbs or so of rock I have other tanks and systems going I know I need to empty the tank (for more than one reason) how do I transfer the main show pieces to another tank without contaminating it as well? also what is the best way to go about treating it I am open to breaking the tank down and replacing the sand or going bb even I think the rock is phosphate loaded too... If anyone has time to stop by and crack a beer take a look and give me some advice I would be open to that as well

I am running a 40 watt uv at 180gph


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: ich and velvet what should I do

Look on wetwebmedia.com, besides that Bob would say that Angels need lots of oxygen in their water so...add an air pump.

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: ich and velvet what should I do

Is this the tank you got from Bruce??

sent from my EVO eater


M.A.S.C Club Member
rockys_pride;214367 said:
Look on wetwebmedia.com, besides that Bob would say that Angels need lots of oxygen in their water so...add an air pump.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk HD
+1 on wwm, you need to try to get a positive ID on what you're dealing with then follow the treatment protocol that works best. Ich + velvet seems highly unlikely, velvet would probably wipe out the fish before Ich would have time to show itself. These are easily confused and have same symptoms. Velvet moves fast and kills everything quick. Ich is slower and responds to treatments.

Ich can be successfully treated, but takes a lot of work if you're not ready. You need to get the tank fallow (inverts/rock only), fish into hyposalinity in quarantine. Velvet may be carried by inverts (so fallow tank won't necessarily kill). You may get good detailed advice from someone else on transferring show pieces (corals?), but generally you need to dip/bath any piece taken out of an infected tank before moving to a new tank, and be careful to use nets/gloves that are isolated between tanks.

Starting fresh may not be a bad idea. old rock leaches phosphates and can be acid washed to start over. New sand is the safest bet for any new tank.

Good luck, a lot of work but it sounds like you're willing to roll up your sleeves and take the right path. Been there, done that.

High Plains Reefer

Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
yep its his old tank giving me crazy fits now

lost a maroon clown today cloudy eyes loosing slime coat light patches all over as I look at them under blue light they look really bad almost frosted

High Plains Reefer

Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
littlecrabby nailed it, looks like brooklynella. I have to agree from what I read about velvet its almost like a holocaust hit your tank and it seals their gill flaps closed both dead fish were trying to breathe they just couldnt. I am sure I have ich as well so setting up qt's tonight catching fish tommrow I am going to run one of them down to neptunes and get an opinion from them.

Since the brook teatment will take 2 mo I think I'm going to cook my rock off in my display after I go bb of course


Butterfly Fish
I cant offer advice on the brook, but copper is the only proven method for Ick and the only method I would choose for treating it. Cupermine (SP) from Seachem is the way to go.
Hypo and tank transfer have different success rates, but for the hassle I wouldn't risk it. Unless the fish truly wont tolerate copper, which are far and few between.

High Plains Reefer

Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Think I lost another clown last night I cant find my little one this morning hopefully he turns up today

qt tanks ready to go for as soon as I get off work time to po some fish