Ich battle. What do you use?!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
What actually works? I have searched a little but everyone has their own ideas and own processes to rid their thank if ICH. I heard hypo. copper etc. This IS in a reef tank. Most if not all corals can be removed. I also plan on upgrading to a 130 very soon.

Most of you saw my post about a tang i lost on monday. Today (wed) looks like my 6 line has a few white spots on it. Oh joy. He was swimming against the glass and bouncing off of the sand. Normaly he is chillin out of sight in the rocks. I dont have a huge stocked tank but i want to cure it asap.

Would it be best to shut down and drain the tank and qt while i set up my 130 ? I plan to transfer most of the rock and sand to the 130. I DO NOT want to transfer the ich. I have a decent amount of pods going now and everything is stable great growth and extension on the corals too. Just looking for some advice...


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
This is the question that I think all of us have had numerous times, it is in my opinion impossible to totally eradicate rich from any system' the only thing you can do is to keep a very healthy and peaceful system for its inhabitants which would essentially keep ich from ever becoming active or present. In my opinion the best way to go is hypo, I think it is easier and safer on the fish. If I were you I would say its a good time to move up and I would start all new and dry your rocks or at least dip them. I would always suggest using new sand rather than reusing old sand (just my opinion). Ich sux, and I don't think anyone has the absolute solution for it, that's why there are so many opinions and mixed results out there.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
I read a quote that ich is the single biggest driver of people out of the hobby. So hang in there.

Are you positive its Ich? Probably, but I would study disease pics on wetwebmedia.com and make sure. I looked at your pic again, I think it could have been marine velvet (amyloodinium)? Looked more like the fine/small dots and velvety versus distinct/larger dots?

If its ich and you can make sure that nothing is put in the new tank without running fallow for 2-3 months (non-fish) or full QT and for the fish a full hypo or copper treatment (with barebottom tank that you siphon often), that probably would be the best strategy. Having dealt with Ich, i like Derek's suggestion on using brand new sand for a new build, very safe path.


Butterfly Fish
xjmav;205652 said:
What actually works? I have searched a little but everyone has their own ideas and own processes to rid their thank if ICH. I heard hypo. copper etc. This IS in a reef tank. Most if not all corals can be removed. I also plan on upgrading to a 130 very soon.
ALthough I've never (knock on wood!) had ich, I've done a ton of reading on the Nat'l forums. Seems to be a few major players, and none of them will guarantee they're "reef safe", BUT one or two more "natural/herbal" medications seem to see a lot of luck from real world members. Among the most frequently mentioned as working well, and better luck (NO GUARANTEES THOUGH OBVIOUSLY), is Kordon's Ich Attack. Another oft-praised one is Seachem's Paraguard.

If it was me, I'd start with those. People seem to have better luck than with Hikari Ick-X or Ruby Reef Kick-Ick, YMMV. READ UP on RC, 3Reef, etc. Please keep us updated on your final solution, and how it works out. I'm sure everyone would like to hear some more real-world experience. Good luck, hope you get it eradicated!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks guys. I havent added anythin as of yet. Just observing for now. May have been false alarm on the wrasse


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I've never had good luck with any of the ich medications. I've heard copper works very well but you have to maintain the copper level in the hospital tank while
topping off for evaporation.
My tank had a bad case of ich about six years ago. I took all my fish out and put them in hyposalinity (1.009) for about three months which left my main display
fallow for the same length of time. I haven't seen ich since.