I'm going to be a father!!!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Congrats, it's one hell of a ride (my baby turned 3 weeks old yesterday)!


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah...I cant wait till my little reefing protege is here. Gonna need someone to take over cleaning out the skimmate. Muh ha ha. Hopefully reef_girl isnt on here tonight.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Got to see the heart beat on Thursday...it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. So far things are looking good. We had a bit of a scare on our first appointment to the OB, but it turns out we were just 2 weeks earlier than the previously expected. So now instead of an October baby, we are possibly looking at a November baby.


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
B.O.D. Member-at-Large
I get to find out whether we are having a boy or girl on Monday. Congrats on the baby

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Congrats to you all, father hood is awesome!!!! Hard to believe, but its even better than reefing ;)


Butterfly Fish
congrats, the new baby will love to see the reef tank. my baby cousin loves it and it will definately calm him down when they cry.