My biggest problem right now is that there are a few people who try and snatch up EVERY DBTC, often without even reading the rules or requirements. A friendly reminder is that DBTC is not for stocking your empty tank, it is not a free coral Free for all, and please, don't be a DBTC hog! If your tank is new and newly cycled (less than perhaps 6 months) you shouldn't take anything above beginner corals, if you take any at all! This program is about propagating coral, not stocking tanks. You must be SURE your tank will grow out the coral and that you will be able to put it back in to the program. I have noticed some rudeness in the DBTC forms as of late, some of it is directed at DBTC hogs or people who do not read the rules, YOU WILL GET CALLED OUT by people if you don't respect the program. I have received rude PM's from people about DBTC's I have posted, either because I have not responded to an email asking for coral (THE RULES AND REQUIREMENTS ARE IN THE POST, JUST WIN IT!) or from people who feel they should have won a DBTC instead of another member. Please remember that the giver ultimately has the final say in who gets a DBTC, They do not OWE you anything for being first and may, at their discrepancy, choose not to award the coral to you (maybe you were rude once, are a hog, don't read the rules, or whatever). I have one guy I have Banned from my DBTC's (he has been informed by PM), yet every time I post one he tries to get it, PM's me and does not read the rules and has obviously not read the PM I sent him explaining the situation. I guess the main point I am trying to make is be respectful, READ EVERYTHING, and UNDERSTAND what you have read. I know I am beating a dead horse and some of these points have benn made on this same page, but I'm really getting fed up, sorry for the rant!