
Hello! My husband encouraged me to become a member after he did a couple months ago. I have a 36 gallon (I consider a nano) tank with three chromis, two oscellerus clowns and two mollies I acclimated to the saltwater tank. Some months down the road I will be introducing some soft corals. I became interested in the saltwater fish after my husband and I had freshwater fish for many years and decided to venture into saltwater; still have a 55 gallon of freshies. I am amazed at the personality of saltwater fish. We can watch our tanks for hours and be entertained by the antics of fish, all of whom are named. I'll definitely be looking for advice on the forum about corals before beginning that adventure.


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Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome to the group Anna! I name all my fish too ;)
Here are some pics, although my metal halide (150 watts) and 265 watt PCs don't look as bright in the pics. Get a shadow from the middle brace too. Only a few of the fish wanted their picture taken :).