Is this skimmer too big?


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey all. Getting ready to set up a 92 corner bowfront with a 28 gallon sump (110 total water minus rock). Is an SWC 180 cone too much for this? The 160 seems perfect but I've got a used 180 lined up for $200. I've read the bigger the better but also that too much is not good. What do you guys think?


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
+1. In a heavily stocked tank, you can easily go with twice the gallon rating for a skimmer. I have a 350 gal skimmer for about 100 gallons of water.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Im sorry but I have to slightly disagree with bigger is always better (I have this discussion with my wife all the time ;) Just kidding.

No seriously
I agree that there is a point with which you can go bigger but only to a certain point. Skimmers these days are much more efficient than they used to be. You at the very least need to be able to meet the minimum bio load requirements for the skimmer otherwise your probably not going to be able to produce enough skimmate to clear the collection cup otherwise whats the point.

I have seen this first hand with a buddy of mine who went with a skimmer rated for about 3 times what he needed. He eventually down graded to a properly sized skimmer same manufacture same basic design and the smaller skimmer stomped the crap out of the bigger one in terms of shear skimmate production.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
From the reading I've done you have to make sure you don't oversize the neck of the skimmer. If you don't have enough waste to fill the neck with bubbles then its not going to work no matter what it's rated for.


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