Is this sps bleaching??


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hi all I am new to sps and I have a birdsnest that has really been growing great. When I looked at it today I noticed it was kind of losing some color and in a few place there seems to be a lot of color missing but still has PE where those spots are. I have looked and dont see any critters eating it or bugs or anything. sorry the picture isnt the best but hope it helps


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
It's hard to say, but I don't think that is bleaching. Are there any corals nearby that could of stung it? the other option is STN (slow tissue necrosis). I would watch it closely to see if it gets bigger. If it starts to spread, I would dip and frag it.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
No there are no corals close. How do the get stn and what is it. Do they grow and then all of a sudden get it. Its been in my tank for about 6 weeks and it has been growing like a weed. TIA


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
If its been growing I doubt it is bleeching unless you recently changed lights, or moved the coral up higher.

No one is really sure what causes STN or RTN. Corals just start to loose tissue. One is very slow, one is very fast. There is no fix for it really other than dipping and fragging.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well I have changed the lights about 2 weeks ago. I took out two of the stock bulbs and put in two ati bulbs its 4x54 t5. When it has stn or rtn does the whole coral lose some color or is it just where it is getting sick at. I will buy some dip tomorrow. Is it possible to dip and not frag if I am not the most comfortable fragging yet. Or atleast until I can meet up with someone to help me with it.