Jebao Dosing Pumps


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I started dosing alk and calc a few months back by hand and want to automate that.
I've been eying the brs dosers but don't have room on my controller without adding another power bar.
Anyone have any feedback on the jebao dosers?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I have a DP4 on one of my tanks and it does the job. Once I calibrated it and dialed in to match the Alk and Calc consumption it keeps them where they need to be. You can tell that it is a cheap built. I've had it for about four months now so still relatively new.


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Haven't tried the jebeo dosers, but I wouldn't risk my tank with them. Jebeo circ pumps only last about a year and then die. Over dosing a tank could easily nuke a tank, so i wouldn't trust anything known for subpar quality on something like that. Just my opinion though


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
SynDen;n637227 said:
Haven't tried the jebeo dosers, but I wouldn't risk my tank with them. Jebeo circ pumps only last about a year and then die. Over dosing a tank could easily nuke a tank, so i wouldn't trust anything known for subpar quality on something like that. Just my opinion though


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Haddonisreef;637146 said:
I run the brs on they're own timers works great for me
What timers are you using for them?


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't know why people say the Jebao pumps are no good..... I have had 4 of them on my tank for over 2 years and they are still running great. Dosing pumps are pretty vital however and I have not had any first hand experience with their pumps.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
The Jebao wave makers (I have a few that are 3 years old) are great but I would not trust something as important as dosing to cheap dosing pumps. On a side note: The Bubble Magus tripple dosing pump is garbage. The board corroded due to the humidity near the tank.