Jumping Back In!


I have moved to Colorado from out East and finally decided to settle down a bit and can get a tank up and running. I dont currently have a setup, but the itch is driving me mad so in the near future I will find myself with a 55, 75, 90, 125, or a 220. =) I will be scouring the area in search for that perfect setup and look to probably invest (much less than) about $1200.

I intend on getting the box, then simply building a little at a time. I am going to completely prep the box sealing it up with pure silicone and spray painting the back silver. Then, because I dont know what size I will end up with, I am going to make a sturdy, incredibly heavy stand by the sweat of my brow, and a canopy. I have had 2500 gallons of aquariums in my past and my crowning glory was a beautiful 220 gallon Live Shelf Reef tank with Fiji and Tonga, and mostly small softies.

I want to let it sit and turn over during a period of about 6 months, nothing live but bacteria and substrate critters. Most people cannot wait to put fish in their tanks, but I love to watch the substrate culture develop. I have seen starfish develop before my eyes and I actually really like that phase. I intend on having soft corals and fish that are appropriate. Havent decided yet. Mostly excited about getting into it!

I hope to get to know you guys better and maybe meet in the future!



M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome!!! If you are ever up north come and visit us! Great White Aquatics (Fort Collins)
I probably will because there appears to be slim pickings around here! (Sorry if any ppl working at LFS around here are on -- I haven't been to ANY pet stores at all yet.) Looks like for me Pet Paradise and PetSmart.

Pet Paradise seems nice and ive heard very knowledgeable and lots to choose from. So I am going to go there tomorrow to look and get inspired. I am going to pick up some aquarium salt, a bag of substrate, and perhaps a rock or two. I dont know. So I will probably head northward before long!


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Jumping Back In!

I'll be selling my 120 in a couple of weeks. Sand, hood, rr tank, stand, 40 sump, herbie style plumbing and dual return. No lights or return pump. Pm me for details if interested.

I'm up north in greeley by the way.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

I spent most of my life up and down the East Coast...where'd you move from?