Hi everyone,
I recently joined, and really should've done it sooner! I really enjoyed the November Coral Extravaganza. I have been reefing since 2004, when a friend who was moving out of Denver convinced me to take over his fish and corals (still have a clownfish from that time). My first tank was an Oceanic 68 gal that I bought from Sherman Tank (best LFS name IMO, anybody remember?). My second and current tank is a Red Sea E260 that I bought from Aquatic Art two years ago when the Oceanic started leaking. As you can see from my tank pic, I don't have anything special or fancy, but I still have a lot of fun with it.
Looking forward to meeting more of you over time
I recently joined, and really should've done it sooner! I really enjoyed the November Coral Extravaganza. I have been reefing since 2004, when a friend who was moving out of Denver convinced me to take over his fish and corals (still have a clownfish from that time). My first tank was an Oceanic 68 gal that I bought from Sherman Tank (best LFS name IMO, anybody remember?). My second and current tank is a Red Sea E260 that I bought from Aquatic Art two years ago when the Oceanic started leaking. As you can see from my tank pic, I don't have anything special or fancy, but I still have a lot of fun with it.

Looking forward to meeting more of you over time