Just joined, should've done it sooner


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hi everyone,
I recently joined, and really should've done it sooner! I really enjoyed the November Coral Extravaganza. I have been reefing since 2004, when a friend who was moving out of Denver convinced me to take over his fish and corals (still have a clownfish from that time). My first tank was an Oceanic 68 gal that I bought from Sherman Tank (best LFS name IMO, anybody remember?). My second and current tank is a Red Sea E260 that I bought from Aquatic Art two years ago when the Oceanic started leaking. As you can see from my tank pic, I don't have anything special or fancy, but I still have a lot of fun with it.

Tank 12-18-23b.jpg

Looking forward to meeting more of you over time :)


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Awesome colonies you got going on there. Name is Brandon. Pleasure to meet you. Gotta get that build thread together and list all the equipment. Plus better make sure you get this shot into the TOTM.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks for the welcome and very kind words everyone! I will try to get a tank build thread together -- I am really enjoying life without a "real" (undertank) sump, ha ha. The blue shrooms are great -- the reds not so much. Found that Aiptasia-X is good for controlling them :). I live in the south part of town. I've been to Reef N Pond and Key's Island -- really cool places, miss them too.
Happy New Year! Mike