Kapow!!! New fish are in the hizzy 5/14

Ambrosio Aquatics

M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor

5 S Tiger Tuka Anthias - Pseudanthias lori $25 reef safe schooling
1 T Blue (Hippo) Tang - Paracanthurus hepatus $35 reef safe
1 S Chocolate (Yel.Mimic) Tang - Acanthurus pyroferus $28 reef safe
2 SM -Clown Tang - Acanthurus lineatus $28 reef safe
1 S Convict Tang - Acanthurus triostegus $22 reef safe
1 M Powder Blue Tang - Acanthurus leucosternon $45 reef safe
2 T Blueline Trigger - Pseudobalistes fuscus $25
1 S -Green Coris Wrasse - Halichoeres chloropterus $15 reef safe
2 S -Yellow Coris Wrasse - Halichoeres chrysus$15 reef safe
12 -Emerald Crab 12 lot; Atl. - Dromidiopsis edwardsi $5 great bubble and hair algae cleaner
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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Now thats a good lookin wrasse