Kessil A160we enough power to grow sps in a 30gal. 16" deep?

I was all excited when I got my Kessil and have it running above my tank for a couple weeks but i'm starting to wonder if it is strong enough (spread and penetration) to grow just about anything??


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Title says 30 gallon 16" deep. I would say for depth, yes. Spread, maybe not depending on how high up you place the light.
thanks for the help guys - I am going to stick with and not worry about the light I have then and not worry about upgrading as I don't plan on doing a lot of high light coral.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I might consider trading you for my 350 w. I just need some supplement and the 350 is over kill. Pm me if interested and we can talk.