LED acclimation

So I pulled the trigger and went with LEDs over my DT. My question is how do I switch my critters over to the new lighting? I have heard that it is something you have to gradually do. What is a good rule of thumb to follow when breaking them in? How much and how often over how much time? All of this is strange to me. What if I buy a new coral and it does not come from an LED environment? Does it need to be slowly switched over as well? How in the heck would this work? This does not make any sense to me.
Thanks for the help!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Fish, inverts etc etc doesn't matter. Most corals I just put in my tank but sensitive corals I start them down low and slowly move them up to the area I want them. Start out at 50% and every week go up by 2-4% until the desired light is reached. Get in line for the par meter and check your par levels so your not blasting corals.

What LEDs did you get or are you getting?
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