Led help


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I eneded up getting a new to me rapid led kit for my biocube with dimmable drivers. Heach driver had 14 leds

12 whit and 2 blue on one, 14blue on the other. The problem I was having is the clowns would fight when the blues only came on. So... I swapped 2 whites for 2 blues. I am now running 10white and 4 blue on one and 12 blue and 2 white on the other. I'm not quite happy with the color now. Would it be bad to put 16 blue and 2 white on one and 10 white on the other driver?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Speaking from experience, those drivers can only handle 14 LED's each. I also believe I had to adjust the drivers for the bulbs, otherwise they would overpower them, and make them smoke.

Could you possible put them back to the way I had them, and use the dimmers to adjust the coloring?

As far as the clowns go, why not turn on both colors at the same time for a while, till they get used to the bright lights, then slowly adjust your schedule?


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I tried adjusting, it was with blues only. Turned the clowns maroon instantly. Just need a little less hyper blue