LED Opinion

Hey guys,

I'm looking to replace/upgrade my 8bulb t5 set for a 120 gal 48x24x24 and was thinking about LED setups. I have mainly SPS/LPS

top on my list are two Ecoray 112D fixtures, vs lots more saving and 2- Orphek PR 156W fixtures.

Now I'm thinking that I could strip the T5 bulbs/reflectors out and do 48" exotic led stips or 12 panorama pro strips inside the metal fixture and go that route.

You all have any suggestions?? if strips are recommended are they better brands?



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

Both use narrow angle optics, so mount them high or be prepared to change them to something wider. For the money I would get ecotech marine radion, vertex illuminata, ai or (maybe) mazarra. Or see if Reefkoi has any evolution deal fixtures for sale. I paid for my cheap chinese fixtures by selling my old fixture and the xcel bill savings from that damn extra tier summer garbage in five months. Paid for three so I have a spare. This means I can justify Radions in 2012...Right?

Led strips I would use ecoxotic, reefbrite, evo slims or aquaticlife.

On a side note, does your name mean I am not the only Detroit fan here anymore?


M.A.S.C Club Member
why not radions or maxxspect? ..if i had the funds thats what i would get ... i have the old 120w evolution leds and they work just fine for my needs
Yeah, I was just doing some reading and there are some info that the Ecotech are good but have to much light in the yellow spectrum.? You guys hear similar?

Also I am thinking whether it might be a better idea doing some DIY led under my tek system ( take the bulbs/reflectors out) rather than buying a fixture..

I like the Ecoray. Do you guys have any info/experience with them?



M.A.S.C Club Member
im gonna say that the people that say there is to much yellow are just talking to hear themselves talk ....they are to new to know IMO....and i thought you could customize the color


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think all the options you are looking at are awesome. The thing you should look at is the different features they have. Pr156s put out a ton of power, but they don't have much controllability. Ais are on the low end for output, but they are crazy cheap now and very controllable. Radions are an awesome choice because they fall right in the middle of they other two in every way. Very controllable, medium output and medium cost. I can't comment on the others because I have no experience with them.

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
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