Led supp with t5


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So here is my question. It's either blue plus and coral plus or ati true atinic and coral plus. The reason I am asking is if I use the atinic I won't get much par from the atinic. I don't however know if I need the par. If anything I feel led may be lacking in spectrum. I do believe led can support the corals but I want to give it the edge. The reasons I am thinking the atinic is because it is so strong in the violet and uv end of the spectrum. So what are your thoughts do I go for added par or focus on spectrum. Picture are coral+ blue+ true atinic



M.A.S.C Club Member
The white diodes put out too much yellow and red - this is why some lower depth coral can get torched by them (not too much light as some suppose), yet some coral close to the surface are OK since red and yellow is very strong in shallow waters. Consider this bad-spectrum in addition to trying and fill in the spectrum gaps. Turning the whites way down, which most people do anyway, is a good way to combat this, but there still can sometimes be too much of the wrong kind. If you want to really help your coral out, you could run about 15-20% of the whites that come in the fixtures, rely on the blue and then supplement back in with the coral plus to fill out the higher part of the spectrum. What you will end up with is LEDs that are only really good in pockets under 500 and T5 for the rest. ...but then you will need to probably kick in some blue plus to fill in the gaps where the blue LEDs leave holes. If you get started on this, I might suppose that where you will probably end up is filling the whole spectrum with T5 by then adding in some actinics and just having the LEDs be for some blue or dusk/dawn with the roles reversed of the LEDs supplementing the T5s.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I linked that one thread to you a long time ago I think. What it said I still think sounds good. Namely going full spectrum LED. (The 3-4 blue NM's, a green, red or cyan, and maybe a near UV ~405,and some white (forget which white). Then throwing on a Blue+ ATI and I think it was coral +? I think idea being plenty of total par from LED and the fill in spectrum from T5 being kinda the extra vitamin supplement so to speak for those wavelengths between the main LED ones.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Fitz19d;264000 said:
I linked that one thread to you a long time ago I think. What it said I still think sounds good. Namely going full spectrum LED. (The 3-4 blue NM's, a green, red or cyan, and maybe a near UV ~405,and some white (forget which white). Then throwing on a Blue+ ATI and I think it was coral +? I think idea being plenty of total par from LED and the fill in spectrum from T5 being kinda the extra vitamin supplement so to speak for those wavelengths between the main LED ones.
Get some upper UV spectrum LED's if you can afford it.

UV - these should be able to fit in with the rapid led 5w whites
385 - 90nM http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail...=sGAEpiMZZMt82OzCyDsLFF9gCR5ziyswBNZz8oAcykA=
390 - 395nM http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail...=sGAEpiMZZMt82OzCyDsLFF9gCR5ziyswAppRIp//ZSw=
395-400nM http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail...=sGAEpiMZZMt82OzCyDsLFF9gCR5ziyswluQaGVFRF8o=

400-410nM http://www.superbrightleds.com/more...ltraviolet-leds-140-degree-viewing-angle/334/
410-420nM http://www.rapidled.com/violet-uv-led/


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have Vegas and honestly already have t5 ballast and reflectors. I don't know that I need supplement but figure it can't hurt. Key word here diversify.