LEDs and spectrum


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I go back and forth on my lighting for my new tank. Part of me wants t5, part of me wants LEDs. It basically comes down to spectrum for me. IF I build/ buy an LED fixture I want to be able to keep acans without then turning orange, as all of mine did previously. I was reading about spectrum and chlorophyll, there is an apparent link to blues and reds being used the most. However, reds filter out quickly underwater and are linked to algae growth. From what I was reading, unused wavelengths are reflected back (what we see). If this is true, then there is already a complete spectrum available from the white LEDs available. Which makes sense since white light is, by definition, all colors combined. So, if I build my own or buy and tinker with the LEDs what colors do I really need? What colors do coral actually need? By what is assumed above, every coral is different and will use what they need and reflect what they don't. Am I correct in this assumption?

The more I read up on spectrum, the more I just want to use t5 lighting.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction?