LED's for all purposes

So my wife gave the green light for LEDs but....
I know nothing about what I should be looking for. I have a 46 bow front I think its about 20ish inches deep (rough estimate).
Currently I am running a Current 6 bulb t5 fixture.
I would like something dimmable, possibly with a built-in timer would be ideal. I want to leave my option open for future more advanced coral as I progress.
Any links to light, experiences and advice is appreciated. =)


M.A.S.C Club Member
What is your price range?

Reef radiance has some very good low budget lights with a good warranty. The dimmable onyx by rapid led is what I use on my tank and is a great mid price range fixture (but no controller built in, I use my apex). If money is no object, then AI hydras or ecotech radions are some of the best money can buy


M.A.S.C Club Member
My experience: keep your T5 fixture until you are 100% sure that you won't want it anymore. Some eventually get sure and some wish that they had their old lights back. There is no guarantee that what you get will be an upgrade.

I might suggest that you get out and look at some tanks with your own eyes. I don't mean at the LFS since their goals, and ours, are different. You won't be able to get much breadth, depth and perspective looking at a monitor.

If I had all the money in the world and was forced to use LEDS - I would use Pacifiic Sun.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
sethsolomon;320126 said:
IMO pick up a used AI sol and a AI controller should run you about $200-270
+1 was just thinking about this today actually lol. I think hands down right now that the AI Sol blues are the best leds out there $ for $. Every tank (ok almost every tank) I have ever seen with these LEDS on them has been pretty amazing (FinsUp's tank certainly comes to mind and Craigar's 180 too)!


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
You might check out Fluid Designers. They have some refurbished AI Hydras and Vegas at great prices. I bought one to add to the system I already have and it looks and runs like new at a much lower price.