Lighting Question

When I upgraded from the 90 to the 180 galling tank, the 180 came with a lot of lighting that I am not sure is what I need. On top of the canopy are three 250W metal halide lights that aren't even wired up. Inside the canopy are to Kessil 350W lights, 2 standard light fixtures that have some bulbs casting a blue light and a 36" Chinese LED fixture that is programmable. The programmable fixture, the the Kessil's and the standard fixtures are being used now. The programmable figure follows the programming on an SD card and the others are operated on separate timers. I am not liking this set up because the center is ramping up and down and the outside lights are strictly on and off. To complicate matters, my APEX will be here tomorrow and won't have full control over any of these lights.

My dilemma is I sell all of my current lights and purchase two LED fixtures that can be programmed with the APEX? I would think that in a 6' canopy two 24" LED fixtures would be able to cover the entire tank. I currently don't have any corals, but want to add some in the future. I have two anemones now.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Should I try to sell all of my lights to fund fixtures that are controllable, or should I just be happy with what I have? Any recommendations on LED fixtures that can be controlled by the APEX? Are 2 24" fixtures the way to go, or would one 48" fixture be good? Would it be smarter to just upgrade the Kessils and make them match the programming in my current LED fixture?

Thanks in advance.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would say try and sell the metal halide setups and try to get enough kessils to light the tank to your liking. Then you could always add T5 retrofit kit to that of you wanted more wattage and color spectrum on the tank. I added a few of these to my led panels and love them!!! Nice thing is they daisy chain so you can keep adding on and only need one plug.

Sunblaster 904298 NanoTech T5 High Output Fixture Reflector Combo, 4-Feet


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Tough call. I'm making the assumption that you're keeping corals. If this is a FOWLR tank, lighting choice is much less important.

Here are two ways that I would go, depending on your financial situation:

If you don't have a lot to spend - sell all of the lights in the canopy except the chinese LED that's programmable. Buy two more of that same LED if you can. 2 LEDs won't cover a 6' tank. You need 3, at least. 4 if you want all stonies. Get two T5s and position those in front and back of the canopy to round out the spectrum so you get good growth and color.

If you're ok with spending more, do the same thing as above, but also sell the Chinese LED and get 3 or 4 top notch LEDs. I had AI Sol blues on my 180 mixed reef, and loved them, FWIW. But it's been a minute since then, and there may be a newer/better LED available now. I'm sure others will chime in on their favorite LEDs.

Something you might want to do is visit local reefers (and stores) and really look at their tanks. When you see a tank of very healthy corals that looks like it is well lit to you, ask them what lighting they are using and replicate that on your tank. There's absolutely no shame in copying successful reefkeepers' choices and methods. When it comes to lighting, you want to see it for yourself so you know you'll like it over your tank.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
If you don't have corals in the tank now, there's no rush. I'd definitely check out as many tanks in person as you can, and plan your lighting as if you're going to keep stonies. Even if you are currently in love with softies, that could change in a few months. And upgrading lighting is expensive, so it's better to get a good lighting setup at the beginning. Gives you the freedom to put pretty much any coral you want in your tank later.

Inside the standard light fixtures are these 14w cree par 38 blue bulbs. They arent very strong, and for all I know were only for lunar lighting?


M.A.S.C Club Member
For the pennies that you will get the MH, don't sell them. Keep them for a while in case you do decide that you want a reef and stuff.

For FOWLR and even a softie tank, just get 4 T5s or a pair of VHOs... great light for either, especially with a canopy. The great thing about VHOs is that they make 6' bulbs and you only need to replace 2 of them.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Personally Id keep those and get some 14k pheonix bulbs when they are back in stock. Do these have M80 ballasts? I think you said you weren't sure.
Should be easy to tell, MH ballasts are not small or light even if they are electric ballasts. Do those reflectors have the glass lenses? Hard to tell but it looks like it. If not then I wouldnt use them as they need to have UV lenses for DE bulbs and might be hard to find.

If you do have the ballasts and lenses then these would be great and would be all you need for anything you'd ever want to keep.