Live rock question

Split open a rather large chunk of live rock and inside it looks like its got streaks of sand running through it. It doest wash out, but chips out with the help of a screw.driver.
What is this stuff?

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No clue outside of the rock is whitish lits of growths like little shells and holes. Its like sonething burrowed through leaving a poop shoot of sand through it.

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Users with zero posts needing moderation to determine if they are spam bots
Looks A LOT like my "Reef Saver" rock. If so it is the remnants of an ancient reef. Therefore it was once living coral.
It was alive this rock was from a friend whos dad closed his tank down like 15 years ago. I just never split a rock before and had a look where the critters used to live.

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Cleaner Shrimp
It could also be the rock was angled in such a way that a sand sifter was slowly filling the hole. Then after sitting in the hole for years it fuzed into a tube of sand. I have heard of sand beds growing into a near solid lump too!


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I agree on Reef Saver looks just like mine did when I broke some of the peices into smaller chunks a couple weekends ago. Most of the rock isnt smooth, just becomes smooth on the outside after handling and rubbing on other rock during harvest, shipping, etc.