Livestock portion - parting out my 30g

How about this. Come down and we'll see what kind of deal we can make on what is there. And you can pick out what you like. If you're available today.
The offer stand it's a two hour drive roundtrip let's wait till tomorrow and see if you get what you want of not I'll make the drive

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Do u still have ur led light? Is it similar to an evergrow 120?

Sent from my typewriter.
It's all gone, sorry. Sold before my vacation thank goodness. I do still have the nano koralia someone wanted. Have to check back in the other post for the username...oh wait found it, balz3352
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Yep it's the only thing left. It's a 425 so low flow. Let me know when you can swing by.