Lost and then found...but


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I got an anemone last week and it went behind my live rock (170 lbs worth). I talked to a few people and they said he would show up after a while. Ive been looking every day with out luck...and then...I look in my refugium (sump) and there it is. It is alive, but smaller.

Should I leave it in there? Should I try to relocate it?
What do you all think?


M.A.S.C Club Member
hmmm tough call ...i would probably leave it for a while while it heals if you have adequate light


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah I had that happen. It went threw a bulk head strainer some how and ended up in my basement sump. I had a couple small ones by the time it got there. Its still doing good today though.