MASC Science Fair Competition 2012

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I object to the use of the word child in the event description, I know this may seem a little child-ish-, and sometimes I might act a ~little~ child-ish-, and lord know my child-ish- looks are the reason I get carded at every bar and lq, but to flat out refer to me as a child, with no -ish- that sir, is OFFENSIVE.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Alright everyone, we have the winner of the MASC Science Fair competition 2012!! Sorry it's been a while. Judging took a little longer than I expected, but it's great that they took their time to make sure they had the right choice! I will also be giving my thoughts on this years fair a little later.

But without delaying any further, the winner of the 2012 science fair competition is..........................Mary Petersen AKA oatyfruitybar!! Congratulations to her, and a big thanks for all of the ladies who made it to the end.
Congrats!!! Should be a fantastic MACNA this year. Not gonna lie, a bit jealous but in the best possible way!! I want a full report!!

Great work and great project!!
Oh wow! I know it's late but I just checked my email and... wow. I'm just blown away. Thanks so much to all the judges and all of the MASC members who put this competition together! I had a great time doing my project and I am so honored that it was chosen. It still hasn't quite sunk in!

Both of the other projects were fantastic, and I'm glad that I got to compete against such wonderful ladies. :)

Lol just typing words doesn't quite communicate how psyched I am! Barely resisting calling everybody I know (and it's three in the morning) :p


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well Mary, our winner, had one HEll of a time at MACNA. She seemed super excited to be there, and very appreciative that we put this whole thing one!! That is why we do this!!

My feelings on this year. At the beginning when we had something like 10 people sign up I was super stoked!! I thought that we had caught a lot of people's attention the year before and that this year was going to be huge. Well, I was sadly disappointed at the end of the contest. The three ladies who finished did a FANTASTIC job and I'm glad they stood to their word. From speaking to Mary during the show, I know the judges made a great choice.

Personally, I'd hope you know how big of a deal this is for our club, and for you. You're getting 5 HUGE names in this industry to help you through the process!! Not only that but you're getting a FREE ticket to the biggest aquarium hobby show of the year AND $500. We are pulling in a lot of resources to make this happen and we hope you all see that :). I understand that we a have families and such, but for a little work on the side you'll get to experience a show unlike you've experienced here in Colorado. MACNA is definitely something else. I think I heard Mary already say that she's contemplating going to Miami for the next MACNA.

We have at least one more year in us :), and I hope we can get some more participation this year. Remember, the judges are also setting time aside to help us with this, let's not let them down! Details for the science fair 2013 will be revealed later in the year. It'll be refined, and hopefully bigger & better! Free trip to Miami, $500, and who knows what else we can come up with :), don't miss out!