Maxspec Marazza LED Lighting - Any input?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
It's ok, I am sure I come across the same way at times(probably will right now). I wouldn't assume you are the only one on here with a degree relevant to this hobby. Does Cu have a marine program? The closest thing on their course offering is EBIO4460-Fish Biology. All the Marine courses on their website search were for kids ages 8-10.

I agree about the spectral benefits to coral, however I have not been impressed by what I have seen of the Marazza coverage wise. Honestly I am not prepared to drop that kind of money until something hits the market with a similar controller to both and RGB or RGBY LEDs.
Yeah no question CU dosent offer marine bio but they are part'nered with university of California Santa Barbara and I did 2 semesters there studying with Kevin Lafferty on coral reef ecosystems mostly on coral banding disease. The funny thing about marine biology and reef biology specifically is that even the experts such as Kevin can learn alot from you and I. This hobby has alot to offer science. The problem is that " whose whose" such as Kevin don't realize it. Believe it or not there are people on this forum that I believe have a better idea of how coral "works" than the vast majority of marine biologists.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok...been researching the vertex lights and must say i am impressed. Also everyone with them says to go 12" shorter then tank length cause the modules are on the very end and will spill over. Plus they will be coming out with uv modules which i want. Guess i need to look into contacting a canook into how much they will be in USDs.