MikeL's 75g Smoking Hot Money Eating Addiction

Beautiful tank - makes me want to go vortech! Very clean look


M.A.S.C Club Member
I love the stand. Nice colors, and very nice tank shots.
Thanks for the compliments!

Munch;278726 said:
Nice setup. Did you build the stand? That square tube?
I actually got the stand from World Market. I removed the backboard and replaced it with thick plywood to reinforce it a bit. The front and sides were corner iron so they are pretty damn strong. Additionally I had to drill through the metal on the top. I did have one issue with the nut on my bulkhead hitting the iron strip on the back, so I placed that board on top, which was thick enough so that the nut would sit above the iron strip. I then sprayed the whole thing down with a sealant/water proofer. It was balls cold out side, and my buddy was helping me, so we did it in a garage that was only partially ventilated. Wasn't the best idea, but we survived.. and snacked on pizza, buzzed, while giggling like little girls.

sethsolomon;278734 said:
I just noticed the radiant urchin. Where did you get that bad boy?
He's badass! I always wanted one but my old tank wasn't big enough. I added him about 6 weeks ago. I got him from Aquamart in Lakewood. They are a pretty awesome store you should check out. Their new owner(as of this past spring), Jeff, is an awesome dude.