My 75 G build


Hey you
M.A.S.C Club Member
did you weigh the rock? o_O Hopefully it's really really dense or you didn't pay for 70 pounds. I have roughly 60 pounds of rock in my display and it's a lot more than that. 75 gallon as well. That looks closer to 20 pounds



Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
the one chunk on the very left was prob over 20 lbs alone i did put some in my sump I think it was fairly dense stuff though and im not stacking it up yet i just put it in the tank so it can start to cycle since most of it was dead rock then i will get 50 lbs of good live rock from Catfish Charlies in a couple weeks he has a great price on it. Hopefully my Aqua scape will be good im new at this my only other reef tank was a nano with 10 lbs of rock!
Looking good! Glad to see the tank coming along! I didnt even get that far with it so its cool to see what its turning into! Hows the sump working out? i noticed the skimmer fits well but does it leave enough room for the return pump and your media pumps?


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yes the return pump fits great im not using anyother pumps atm but i can make it work if needed. The only thing i want to add under there right now if a gfo/carbon reactor from brs. With that I can put pump in first chamber and return line in last chamber.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: My 75 G build

Just a small update ......110 pounds of sand that enough to be considered deep sandbed in a 75 gallon tank.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Pods everywhere little white bugs all over glass thousands of them. My camera is not good enough to get pics but il post more once I get more rock in. They Look just like this
looks good. Did you ever add LR to it or did you get pods going with sand and dry rock? And most DSB's I have seen are about 4" deep, however I have seen them 6+ inches like the one at neptunes tropical. I'm huge on DSB's and am doing a solid 4" in my build and have almost 6 in my refugium in my current tank.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah im close to 4 inches so im going to add from 20 to 30 more pounds that will give me 140 pounds. And yes I did add one pound of cured live rock plus some calerpa from a very established system loads of little britle starfish and pods.