NBC News Report on Coral Reefs 6/20


M.A.S.C Club Member
Did anyone see tonights report on NBC News about Sustainable Coral Reef Farming off the coast in Florida? Pretty cool stuff and its great to see we have fellow marine biologists out there keeping our beloved reefs from disappearing! They showed some amazing cuttings of elk horn & staghorn acros as well as other stony coral's that their farming just off the coast in Florida and 2 other spots.

They take these homegrown frag clippings from struggling reefs and grow them just like we do but in a much larger secure tank aka The Ocean in order to later transplant them back to devastated reef areas in St Martin, St Croix and the Florida Keys. The divers nail,glue and zip tie them into the sea floor in devastated coral reef zones and recharge the struggling areas with new frags. Coral is making a comeback thanks to Federal Grants and.....Stimulus money of all things! Anyways Youtube if you can or go to NBC.com and watch the video from tonight :)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sweet! Thanks for sharing. I read an article on this recently, and had to regurgitate some of the info when a friend gave me some flack for my "detrimental" hobby. Had to explain the concept of mariculturing...some visual aids would definitely help my case. ;)


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have my degree in a such related field, this stuff is sweet and exciting to nerds like me. Such a simple solution...frag the ocean and regrow. Why not?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I too spent some time working for a couple marine biologists @ Scripps & SCMI...love my oceans! Frag'em and Grow'em


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Find a link online for the report? I looked yesterday and didn't find anything...maybe just a delay before it's online?
The report is on the Coral Restoration Foundation. They have an amazing coral farm, I had the chance to dive on the farm over spring break and cut and plant some frags.
