Need A little help in foco


Cleaner Shrimp
I have an orange digitata that is not doing well in my tank. Most likely do to my nitrates, but with a new baby, my dad in the hospital and a new business I can't correct it fast enough. I am hoping that someone with a healthy tank could house the digitata for a couple months to let it recover. I will frag off about half of it in return if it does recover (it should). So basically a big free frag.
My other corals (sps, lps, and softies) are doing just fine.
I am in South Fort Collins off of the Windsor Exit and College. If you can pick it up that would be great, otherwise I can try to deliver locally on Sunday.

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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I can help.
I will be at the frag swap most of the day, but can come by on my way back...probably about 5:30 tonight? Shoot me a pm with your info and we will set something up.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey....Jerimy...just wanted to post you an update...
That digitata is exploding back to health...let me know when you are ready to take it back.
Even the dead spots are re-colonizing...another week and it will look brand new, I think.