Need ideas to catch a fish.

Hey everyone, I have recently put a yellow tang in my tank and as soon as he got in the tank one of my blue damsels started picking at him and his fins. He's already got a few tears in his top fin and every time I try to catch the damsel he runs behind the rocks. Does anyone have any ideas on how to catch him? I have the lights turned off right now and blankets covering the glass so its completely dark inside the tank. Making sure that he doesn't pick at him. I'm thinking of trying to catch him after its dark for a little but he's still behind the rocks. I really don't want to remove any of my aquascape. Any ideas?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry to say, but I think you'll have to definitely have to move your rock work. I think Damsels are one of the hardest fish to catch.
Need ideas to catch a fish.

Size 32 fly fishing hook some line and a piece of shrimp. Caught many fish this way. Push the barb down so the hook comes out easy.


M.A.S.C Club Member
get a 2 liter and whatever the damsel likes to eat... cut the top off so its a big enough opening the fish feels comfortable to get in, drop a magnet cleaner or whatever in there to hold it in place with food, submerge in water and then whenever the damsel goes inside... bam. caught. u can keep putting food if other fish go in... makes it look less intimidating. i just caught a damsel this way in my 75g with 200+ lbs of live rock


M.A.S.C Club Member
I've had luck in getting hard to catch fish by turning lights on well after at least an hour of darkness, and having several nets ready. You have to know generally where the fish sleeps, and act very quick as they will be stunned for about one minute. You also may need to goose them out of the rockwork right after blasting the lights on (tie a zipline around something, use the long end as a flexible poker), or using a powerhead or shaking the rock. Need to cut all ambient light during the darkness, so the tank is completely blacked out.