new filters now how to set up?


M.A.S.C Club Member
IMO I think this would be a decent "Fish Only" system but I wouldn't do this on a reef. Unless you keep the filter media in each canister clean, religiously, then these may become nitrate factories. Just my experience with these filters. They are good for a water polisher but not a full time use, again IMO.



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Macroalgaes will help, but I don't know that you will be able to control the nitrate levels enough with macros to prevent the growth of nuisance algae. Even in my 90gal reef, where I vacuum detritus out of the sump where it collects, run a skimmer, and have macros growing in the refugium...I still get some nuisance algae in the display. My CUC takes care of it as it pops up, and it never really gets "out of control", but it's there.

In ideal conditions (high nutrients + light), nuisance algae will typically out-compete macroalgae. It's a safer bet to just keep your nutrients at barely detectable levels so that the macros can remain healthy and grow somewhat slowly. Any sudden increase in growth in my macros due to increased nutrient levels has also been associated with a small nuisance algae bloom somewhere in the tank.