25 Fiji Turbo Snail; Fiji - Turbo sp. $1.5 each
Starry Blenny - Salarias ramosus $15
1 Flame Hawk, $20
1 Green Mandarin $18
1 Yellow Tang; Haw. - Zebrasoma flavescens $30 sold
M Copperband Butterfly - Chelmon rostratus $30 one left (eating frozen)
1 M Bluejaw Trigger: Female - Xanthichthys auromarginatus $50 sold
1 M Bluejaw Trigger: Male - Xanthichthys auromarginatus $65 sold
($100 for the pair)
2 S Yellow Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus $8
Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris magnifica $8
M Red Scooter Blenny; I.O. - $15
1 M Clown Goby - Gobiodon sp. $6
1 Rainfordi Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi $15
2 Yellow Clown Goby - Gobiodon okinawae $6
4 Pom Pom Crab - Lybia tessellata $10
1 SM Purple Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris $24
35 Zebra Stripe Turbo; Atl. - Turbo sp. $1.25
1 Pistol Shrimp: Candy Stripe - Alpheus sp. $14
Starry Blenny - Salarias ramosus $15
1 Flame Hawk, $20
1 Green Mandarin $18
1 Yellow Tang; Haw. - Zebrasoma flavescens $30 sold
M Copperband Butterfly - Chelmon rostratus $30 one left (eating frozen)
1 M Bluejaw Trigger: Female - Xanthichthys auromarginatus $50 sold
1 M Bluejaw Trigger: Male - Xanthichthys auromarginatus $65 sold
($100 for the pair)
2 S Yellow Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus $8
Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris magnifica $8
M Red Scooter Blenny; I.O. - $15
1 M Clown Goby - Gobiodon sp. $6
1 Rainfordi Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi $15
2 Yellow Clown Goby - Gobiodon okinawae $6
4 Pom Pom Crab - Lybia tessellata $10
1 SM Purple Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris $24
35 Zebra Stripe Turbo; Atl. - Turbo sp. $1.25
1 Pistol Shrimp: Candy Stripe - Alpheus sp. $14