New member intro

Reef Passion

M.A.S.C Club Member

Short intro

I have 3 reef tanks, 240 Gallon, 110 gallon and one 40 Gallon. I love to learn and tinker with my setup. I am joining MASC to meet some like minded people in the hobby.

I love to scuba and snorkeling (filled a bucket list item and got to swim with humpback whales last week).

I have a great wife and two kids 10 and 13.

The long version

My first tank was a 150G. saltwater tank when I lived in South Florida app 20 year ago, back when wet / dry filters and bio balls were the basics.

My best friend and I built our own calcium reactors, and I also built and an algae scrubbers out of a rain gutter and fluorescent lighting before scrubbers were a thing.

Water changes were done when the tide came in filling a 55 gallon drum with fresh ocean water. On the weekend we went in to the ocean and collected items for the tank.

A while after moving to Colorado I could not shake the urge and got back into the hobby.

I started with a small used 75G tank that came with some rocks, soft corals and a few fish. Then I upgraded to a Red Sea Reefer 525XL, and met Cris from Aquatic Arts.
He made me realize that a lot had changed in 20 years and he patiently help me to relearn the hobby.

Spring of 21 I ordered my "dream" tank a 8 foot 240 Gallon from him. The 240 drains to the basement in to my 110 gallon Red Sea Reefer, in to my 75 gallon sump and 40 display.

I automate as much as I can to keep the tank as stable as possible with the Neptune Apex and Trident, controlling heaters, chiller and UV sterilizer to name a few.

For the water stability a Calcium reactor, supplemented with kalkwasser, and a small amount of tropic Marine A / K and Iodine. RO unit with Auto top of.

I also Grow cheato, and phyto.

Lighting, on the main display I still have T5's with 4 XR30 Gen 5, on the 110 two T5 with 2 older Hydra 64, and on the 40 one Red Sea 50 (yes I need to add some lights on the 40)

I tried to share some pictures, it states I don't have permission to upload?

I look forward meeting you reefers.


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Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
M.A.S.C President
M.A.S.C Webmaster
Nice to meet you. glad to see you here. Look forward to seeing your tanks.

As for pic, uploading pics, and editing your posts, is one of the advantages to becoming a club member ;) If you aren't a club member you have to upload them to some where that you can get a link from the pic and the post it that way.


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
M.A.S.C President
M.A.S.C Webmaster
Wow! Awesome setup. Love all those big colonies!


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Wow! Welcome. I bet that 220 is going to be amazing when it fills back in like the Red Sea was! Good looking basement fish room too.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Amazing tanks. Something to aspire to here. Thanks for sharing. You have a build thread somewhere with all the details?