new to board

High Plains Reefer

Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
hi im ken just got into the hobby a few weeks ago although I have to admit it has always interested me. my current running cycled setup is a 55 mini reef with a berlin style 10g sump I just traded a guy for a 120g it had a bunch of live rock and a few inhabitants a yellow tang filefish wartskin angler a few clowns that turned into 2 because he put the angler in the same bucket a lawnmower and an eww sand sifting star I already had a brittle star and a scooter blenny everything is going good so far knocks on wood cant wait to start with the corals oh the guy had a torch coral that is just going nuts in my 55 I also enjoy anything to do with racing or cars I am a mechanic been one for 25 years so anyway I better get in the shower been feeling like im coming down with a cold lately need some sleep




Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome. We need pics of those tanks though. :)


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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome to the club!! I'm sure there's lots you will learn here and everyone is great! Suggest you come to November dbtc meet some people and have good time!