New to MASC, Just Moved to Denver, Need 160 Gallons of SW quick :S


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just saw thread, nearby in Frederick. Let me know if you need more RODI help or I might be able to sell a box of salt if you are short that. Given some time I can mix it up though can only transport 20-40g at a time.


Angel Fish
Fitz19d, Aquarius, thanks so much for the offers.

The booster pump is doing the trick so far and is filling much quicker, about 1/2 full.

I'll see how she looks in the morning, if I think I need RODI still, then I would be happy to buy some from you guys if you have some 10-30 gallon containers that I could use to transport it. If I need it, I would need to stop by tomorrow and pick it up? Let me know if that's a possibility on your end even?

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M.A.S.C Club Member
IUFan;673696 said:
Well here we go. Installed the pump. And tap cracked only 1/2 way open she's now running close to 80 PSI, I can open the tap more but it climbs close to 100 psi which worries me a little.

This is temporary, and also scary.

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My 90 GPD one recommends 60-65 PSI. Might want to research yours a little bit if you don't remember.


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
The booster pump I have has the option of dialing down the pressure with a little Allen screw at the top. You might look into that?

Glad to see it's working so well for you!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Text me, I'm in Lafayette.
There is a filtration place that is R/O, UV filtered, etc.
It's on public Rd.
Windmill something it's called,
I also have a bunch of buckets.
303. Six six nine. 25ten

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Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
IUFan;n673705 said:
Fitz19d, Aquarius, thanks so much for the offers.

The booster pump is doing the trick so far and is filling much quicker, about 1/2 full.

I'll see how she looks in the morning, if I think I need RODI still, then I would be happy to buy some from you guys if you have some 10-30 gallon containers that I could use to transport it. If I need it, I would need to stop by tomorrow and pick it up? Let me know if that's a possibility on your end even?

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If you need stuff from me, make sure to PM me to get my attention as I dont check forum super often lately. A heads up is ideal so I can get my rodi vessel topped up so I would have the rodi spare. Unless you bring something to transport, I'd be just filling 5g buckets. Dont have lids for my 10/15g tubs and not sure anything else open topped in the truck would end well lol.


Angel Fish
Thanks for the replies guys, didn't check back as been flat out with getting everything sorted.

The booster pump did the trick and I managed to get the tank filled, add salt, heat and then add the existing live rock on Wednesday.

Flew back to Indy Thursday night, and drove the fish out last night.

What a journey, left the house in Indy at 9:30 PM after trying to catch the fish all day n night, and arrived at the house in CO at 11:40AM today.

Everyone arrived alive and went into the tank. Now we'll see how everyone does over the next couple of days.

Got to setup the skimmer and finish installing all the apex equipment.

Couple of pics from the journey.

2 28 gallon totes for all the fish. The battery air pumps worked surprisingly & amazingly well.

the bucket had some corals in the bottom and then a tray which had a big piece of live rock that the anemone was attached too.

everyone is in.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Glad it was a safe journey


Angel Fish
Not too bad right now. Everyone is very skittish as can be expected. And the black bottom is not helping, there's a bit of sand that got transported and they prefer to hover over that, so going to bring some more sand with me when I bring the tank. Should help matters.

Was worried about ammonia but no issues in that department as of yet.

No casualties so far, but there's still time


Angel Fish
Big F$&king Night!!!

The temporary tank I have bowed quite a bit in the middle, I was told by the manufacturer that it wouldn't split or cause any issues, but it didn't stop me worrying about it. It had also bowed enough to where it was now resting against some of the pipes that were roughed into the basement.

Thanks to Balz3352 was able to drain 100 gallons out of the tank, move it away from the pipes and install this bracing around it. Waters back in and my fish totally hate me, but they'll forgive me after a couple of feeds.

Check it out:

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Angel Fish
Setup a LED strip that I had above some mangroves in my old tank, actually impressed with the light output on these. Will setup the Radions soon.

Would anyone like a free RBTA, mine just split, and would like to give to someone in the forum.

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What an adventure! Moving t tank is always crazy...

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