Newish around here

Hey figured I would post up in here

Been reefing since the early/mid 2000's in college
when I quickly went from a 45 bowfront to a 120g. Miss the days of metal halides cooking my apartment, (don't think I used heat much those winters but I'm pretty sure I broke that poor old ac system at that apartment lol

Took a break when I got married and had kids and my 90 gallon mixed reef decided the front glass seals were too good to stick around.

Now that my kids are old enough to be self sufficient I have slowly come back starting with a 15g AIO setup to play with and contemplate a bigger system.

Think I had a forum registration here but that may have been many emails ago and can't remember.

Anyways thanks for keeping this place going see you around here!


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Welcome back to the addiction! If you had, and you remember your old forum name I can look it up and update the email for you.


Staff member
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Welcome back!

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